Saturday 4 June 2011

build your own hobby CNC router - cnc milling machines - cnc kit

CNC routing machines are available in a lot of online stores in many different qualities - sizes and with many different options. You no longer have to buy one of these expensive machines !!!. Now you can buy one from us cnc machine for a low cost. Now you have the opportunity to order any size cnc router ! In our store you have a set of cnc router kits ,our CNC kits are available where no welding is required and all you have to do is scarw the pieces together They come with everything that you need to build your own hobby CNC router. From the instructions to all of the parts needed. Now you can build one yourself !!. Building a CNC router will mean , you know a little about how the CNC machinery works. Also you will need to know about computers and programs that work with these CNC routers or cnc milling machines. You have to learn the technique of drawing programs, and a program for doing some g-code. We are working on a program called Rhino 4.0 and for g-code Rhinocam up to 5 axis, buying any cnc machine or cnc kit from our store we offer you assistance in learning! on these program. We are able to help you find plans for building your own hobby CNC router or design a machine for you. Contact us ! Some webside offer plans for this specific purpose. There are plans which you can download for free or sometimes you will have to pay for them. You will want to take a look at a lot of plans, to decide the size of the machine that you want to build and also to make sure that the one that you build will be right for the projects that you are planning on using it for. You can watch videos on our website that will teach you a little bit about the CNC machinery. YouTube is another great resource where you can find videos that have to do with CNC routers.You will find videos that could teach you how to build a cnc router or cnc kit. Building your own CNC machine will not be easy but the resaults at the end will be worth it. The time and money you spend on this project will be outweighed by the satisfaction you gain from creating your own machine

taig ballscrew

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